Thursday, October 16, 2003

Audrey, You Devil

I like my iBook. She's nice to me most of the time. But I had a bad experience the other day with her. Did you know her name is Audrey? She is actually Audrey II. I got a 3-Com Audrey back in February that was my favorite toy for several months. Now, this iBook is my favorite toy. Hence, she has been named Audrey II. The "hidden punchline" is that this is the name of the big bad plant from outer space in the broadway show (and hit film) Little Shop Of Horrors.

Anyway, I had heard about a horrible accident on the highway that involved my route home. So I took the LONG way home. A long winding road that stretches about 14 miles in the right direction, going through the middle of a few suburbs. It wasn't a bad ride to take, and with Audrey at my side, she was bleeping like crazy as she struck up access points. Ding Ding Ding! I was trying to keep from driving into curbs, and still see what was popping up on her display but the access points were apearing in an odd order. So I see that I could click the little headers at the top of KisMac to re-arrange the list of discovered access points. Naturally, I want to see them sorted by the time they were found, with new ones at the top!

So I do a double click ... and I get the "pizza wheel of death". Some call it a beach ball. It's kind of like getting the hour glass in windows ... and then it never goes away. So I reboot, try it again, and lock up again. Maybe I found a bug in this software. Argh!

But climbing into bed, chatting, Blogging. I forgive her. She is so good to me. *petting the lid* I think I will get her a new hard drive afterall. And a battery too. Would you like that baby? Yes you will!

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